Studio API Resource Guide


Studio API documentation is published on the Studio API documentation web site.

Here are some tips to using the Studio API documentation web site.

  • The initial language is cURL. You can change this as shown in the illustration.

  • You can run the APIs in Postman and save them as a collection.

Base URL

These are the base URLs for each Studio 7 instance.

Studio 7 Instance

Base URL






To access Studio 7 through the public APIs, you need an API key. You can generate an API Key from the Studio interface. The permissions assigned to your API key determine the actions you can perform. See Manage API Keys.


If your API key is compromised, delete the key from your Studio account to prevent misuse.

Rate Limits for API Calls

When using Studio public APIs, ensure that your application operates within these limits.

API Route

Rate Limit


60 API calls per minute for each client IP address and Studio user email.

The rate limit applies to all the Studio user's email addresses. The Studio user can reach the limit with any one email address or a combination of their email addresses.

Manage Passwords

  • Reset password

  • Validate password

  • Forgot password

200 API calls per minute for each client IP address.

Log in to Studio

The maximum number of failed attempts is taken from the web security settings, set for the Studio instance by the system user.

The rate applies to the client IP address and Studio user email. The rate limit applies to all the Studio user's email addresses. The Studio user can reach the limit with any one email address or a combination of their email addresses.