Upload Data to the Datastore

Upload values to the datastore. Append these values to the existing dataset or replace.

  1. From the Build menu, click Content.

  2. Select the Datastores tab.

  3. Select the datastore.

  4. From the Actions menu, click Upload Data.

Manage Table Data

Click Download Template.

The template file is in CSV format. The first line of the file shows each of the datastore column names.

Upload Values to the Datastore

  1. Enter the datastore values in the CSV file. Refer to the template.


    The CSV file encoding must be UTF8.

  2. Click Click to Upload to upload the CSV file.

    Studio accepts files under 10MB.

  3. Select to Append to existing data or Replace existing data.

Format Specific Options



Columns separated with

Defines the character used to separate the columns of the CSV file. This is set to a comma by default. CSV files are usually comma-delimited. If your CSV file is delimited by a different character, specify that character here.

If your CSV file is tab delimited, specify as follows.




Use to specify tab delimited files.

Empty Cells and Null Values

See Empty Cells and Null Values in Datastores.