Creating the Studio Task

Follow these steps to create a Studio voice task from the Five9 Studio Behind Engagement Workflow template.

  1. Log in to Studio.

  2. From the Build menu, select Tasks.

  3. Click Create Voice Task.

  4. From Select from the task library, select Five9 Studio Behind Engagement Workflow.

    All Studio users (all Studio accounts) can access this template.

  5. Give the task a name and select a text to speech voice.

  6. Click Configure Import Options.



    Suffix for newly created content items

    On import, the template creates the following content items.









    If the content item name already exists in the Studio account, Studio uses the suffix to create the content item. The suffix is the first six characters of the task name if you leave the suffix field blank.


    The template uses datastore Post_Call_Session_Tracking_Studio_Behind_EW.

    Select either of the available options if the datastore doesn't already exist in the Studio account.

    If the datastore already exists in the Studio account, select Reuse a matching Datastore if found from task template to reuse the datastore or select Create a new Datastore from task template to create a new datastore for the task using the suffix for newly created content items.

    Secure variables

    This is not applicable as the task template does not have any dependency on secure variables.

    Redirect currently linked tasks

    This section is relevant if the newly imported task is replacing a task.

    Select the task this task is replacing.

    The import process updates other tasks in the Studio account to link to this task (the task you are importing) in place of the selected task.

    For example, task A links to task B through a link task node. Task C is being imported to replace task B. Select task B so on import the link task node in task A links to task C in place of task B.

  7. Click Go to Call flow.

Assign Numbers

In the Call Flow Editor, assign a number to the task using the Assigning Numbers.

Assign a 12-digit number beginning with 777. The IISN number connects the Studio IVA to the IVR. It is always a 12-digit number that begins with 777.

Assign the same number to the IVR script variable, IISN_Transfer. See Engagement Workflow IVR Call Flow.

Call Flow

The call begins in Engagement Workflow. See Engagement Workflow IVR Call Flow.

Engagement Workflow passes the call to the Studio IVA. See Studio IVA Call Flow.