AI Summary
Use the AI Summary node to capture the conversation (voice call or chat) between the customer and virtual agent.
Studio keeps track of prompts played, questions asked, and caller responses.
In the call flow, place this node where the conversation between caller and virtual agent is complete. The node captures the conversation ahead of the node being called. This is independent of the Studio task structure and use of subtasks.
If you add multiple AI summary nodes to the task, the transcripts do not stop or refresh as each node is called. Whenever an AI summary node is called, Studio generates results based on the conversation up to that point.
Give the node a name.
Assign Summary to Variable
Select a variable to store a summary of the transcription. To create a variable, type the name of the variable.
If you see the error, "Facing some issues generating summary", make sure there has been a conversation between the caller and virtual agent before this node is called. The AI summary node should not be the first node in the call flow. Ideally, the caller should have several interactions with the virtual agent to generate a reasonable summary.
If the end of the conversation is missing from the summary, move the AI summary node further down the call flow as any part of the conversation after the AI summary node is called is not summarized.
Assign Conversation to Transcript Variable
Select a variable to store the full transcription. To create a variable, type the name of the variable.
A new line character (/n) separates content spoken by the virtual agent (outbound) from content spoken by the customer (inbound). The transcript prepends content spoken by the virtual agent with "Virtual Agent:" and content spoken by the customer with "Customer:".
Summary Language
Store the summary of the transcription in this language.
The initial selection is English US.
To list languages, clear the field, and then click in the field. Select from the available options. Start typing to reduce the list of languages to those that match your typed text.
The languages are as follows.
English US
English Australia
English Canada
English Great Britain
English India
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Chinese Traditional (Traditional)
French Canada
French France
Korean (South Korea)
Portugese Brazil (Brazilian)
Portugese Portugal (European)
Spanish Latin America
Spanish Spain