Assigning Numbers

For a voice task to be called, it must have a phone number assigned.

Opening the Assign Numbers Dialog

In the call flow editor, open a voice task and top-left of the canvas click the number or Assign Numbers.

Alternatively, from the dashboard for voice tasks (Voice Tasks), locate the task and click the number or Assign Numbers.

Map Phone Numbers

Map phone numbers to this voice task.

  1. Ensure the Map Numbers tab is selected.

  2. Select the numbers to add to this voice task.

    If there are no phone numbers to map, you may need to move or un-map phone numbers from other tasks. To add phone numbers to the Studio account, contact the Studio user with Service Provider access.

    If this Studio account has a large number of un-mapped phone numbers, use the search facility to locate the numbers to select.

  3. Click Map Numbers.

Un-map Phone Numbers

Remove the mapping from phone numbers mapped to this task. This frees phone numbers to be mapped to other tasks.

  1. Click the Unmap Numbers tab.

  2. Select at least one phone number to un-map.

  3. Click Unmap Numbers.

  4. Enter your password when prompted.

    The request to enter your password is to prevent accidental changes to service numbers.

Move Phone Numbers

Re-assign numbers from other tasks to this task.

  1. Click the Move Numbers tab.

  2. Select the numbers to move to the current task.

    The table tells you how the numbers are currently allocated.

  3. Click Move Numbers.

  4. Enter your password when prompted.

    The request to enter your password is to prevent accidental changes to service numbers.