
Store tabular information in Studio.

The datastore properties follow. See also View Data in the Datastore and Upload Data to the Datastore.


Give the datastore a name.

Webhook URL

Type a Webhook URL to post transcription information to an external service such as a CMS (content management system).

Studio sends the following data to the Webhook URL.

  • Datastore ID

  • Row ID

  • Public URL of the audio file

  • Audio transcription text

Transcription Language

Select the expected spoken language. Studio transcribes caller audio into text.

Data Retention

Studio clears the datastore data after the selected time period. Periods range from one day to one year. Select Keep All to keep the data indefinitely.

Data is cleared overnight in the local time zone of the region/system. If the data retention period is one day then the data is retained for 24 hours and cleared the following night.


Assign to each column a name and data type.

The first column you define in the datastore is indexed.

Select Secure to encrypt values stored in the column. Encrypted values cannot be seen within Studio.

Data Type


Text Maximum 255 characters.
Long Text Maximum 65,535 characters.
Number Signed integer +-2,147,483,648.
Decimal(13,3) Decimal number maximum thirteen digits in total (scale) and maximum three digits to the right of the decimal point (precision).


Encoded using the IEEE standard for normalized single-precision floating-point numbers.


Audio file captured by Studio or uploaded to Studio.