Account Profile

Show and update details for the current Studio account.

Open this screen from the Manage menu. Select the Account Profile option.

Account ID

Account ID for this Studio account.


Name of this Studio account.


Notes or a description for this Studio account.


Click to upload a JPG file.

Display Date Format

Display dates and times in the selected format.






Display dates in year, month, day order.



Display dates in month, day, year order.



Display dates in day, month, year order.

The display date format set in the user profile takes precedence over this setting. If not selected for the account and user profile, use the display date format for the service provider. If no display date format is selected, use the international date format.

Time Zone

The Studio user interface displays dates and times in the time zone as follows:

  • The time zone set in the user profile.

  • The time zone of the account, if not set in the user profile.

  • The time zone of the service provider, if not set in the user profile or account.

Alert Settings

When activated, the supplied email addresses receive alert messages as follows:

  • When the Studio account usage approaches the limits that are allocated under the Studio account plan.

  • When the Studio account exceeds its monthly quota and starts to use its bursting quota.

The screen shows the time the last alert was sent.

Contact your service provider if you need to increase allocations.




Studio sends alerts to this email address.

To add multiple email addresses, separate each address with a comma.

Type of Alert

Select from the following.

Type of Alert



Set the threshold numerically or use the slider.

The threshold applies to the number of sessions run in the Studio account as a proportion of the number of sessions allowed for the Studio account. The number of allowed sessions depends on the number of IVAs assigned to the Studio account.

Set the threshold such that you can take action to prevent 100% usage. At 100% usage, the Studio account rejects calls.


Set the threshold numerically.

The threshold applies to the number of messages left in the quota for the Studio account to send and receive.

The quota is allocated monthly.

When the number of messages in the Studio account falls to the set threshold, Studio sends an email alert.

Biometrics Enroll

Set the threshold numerically.

The threshold applies to the number of biometrics enrollment attempts left in the quota.

The quota is allocated monthly.

When the number of biometrics units left in the Studio account falls to the set threshold, Studio sends an email alert. One biometrics attempt equates to one enrollment attempt (whether successful or not).

Alert Levels

You can set alerts to three different thresholds. They are in increasing levels of severity: level 1, level 2, and level 3.

  1. Set the level 1 alert first.

    You can now set a level 2 alert.

  2. Set the level 2 alert to a greater severity than level 1.

    You can now set a level 3 alert.

  3. Set the level 3 alert to a greater severity than level 2 and level 1.