Send SMS

Use the send SMS node to send an SMS.


To use the send SMS node in a voice task, you must first use the Manage section to create an SMS profile.


Give the node a name.

Messaging Content

In the text field, type the SMS message. To include a variable in the message, type {{ and select from the available options.

SMS Profile

Select the SMS profile that you created in the Manage section of Studio.

The SMS profile section is available only for messages sent in voice tasks.

Messaging Receiver

Enter the phone number to receive the SMS message. To enter a variable containing the number, type {{ and select from the available options.


Enter a JSON message.

The advanced tab is available to ChatBot tasks only.


Attach a file or URL to a ChatBot or WhatsApp message.

The attachment tab is available to ChatBot and WhatsApp tasks only.



Re-order the attachments using a drag and drop motion.

Attachment Type

Select from: image, video, audio, document, sticker.


Enter the public URL of the file to attach. If the public URL is stored in a variable, type {{ and select from the available options.

To attach a file, follow these steps.

  1. Upload the file to Studio content items.

    See Creating Content Items for more about Studio content items.

  2. Click the attach button.

  3. Select an uploaded file content item to attach.

Delete the attachment. Hover over the row to see the icon.

Delivery Notification

Receive delivery notifications for your SMS message.

To use this feature, you must host a web service capable of receiving notification events.



Webhook URL

Enter the URL for your web service.

Query Parameters

Pass additional parameters to your web service. These parameters are included with the notification events. They are often used to differentiate one SMS from another.